Strategies support the Business Plan, align with the Enterprise Architecture, and are adaptable to business requirements and external trends.
People’s experience and expertise are valued.
Business processes are managed end-to-end, striving to eliminate waste.
Mobile-first and cloud-first enables people to connect and content to be available anywhere, anytime.
Governance ensures consistency in practices through compliance to policies, standards and principles.
Employees are enabled as information and knowledge workers
Processes are centralised and accessible.
Secure-by-design infrastructure reduce risk of security breaches.
Policies, principles, continuous improvement and compliance strategies are maintained.
A range of learning opportunities and formats are provided to enable digital skills and digital literacy.
Processes, in particular those which are human intensive, are transformed to software-based delivery.
Tools and applications have an element of self-service.
Metrics are gathered and analysed to support decision making on strategy and initiatives.
Digital culture attributes are embedded.
Data and information is available for operational reporting, business intelligence, advanced analytics and data-driven apps.
Technology is selected and implemented in a holistic manner allowing an integrated user experience.
A Digital Workplace Reference group provides strategic direction and applies business risk management.
A continuous improvement and innovative mindset is encouraged.
Structured and unstructured data and information, and semi-structure knowledge are managed as an organisational asset.
Regular technology pulse-taking and system check-ups ensures technology remains fit for purpose and value of enhancements is realised.
A people-first (user-centred/customer-experience) approach is taken.
Emerging technologies are monitored and implemented base on value as an enabler.
All initiatives start as small experiments which are scaled to enterprise initiatives.
Change leadership, change management and release management support all initiatives.