Carrying out a workplace assessment is necessary to evaluate the functionality and maturity of the overall digital workplace. This establishes the current digital maturity of an organisation and is a starting point for a digital workplace roadmap, recommending actionable insights and allowing an organisation to progress towards their future state vision.
The Digital First Digital Maturity model has been structured around 4 domains of a digital workplace using 5 levels of maturity. It was based on industry benchmarking and the need to create a robust, reusable model that aligns with current organisation structures.
We undertook extensive research into various digital models that are in use by some industry leaders, looking at several models that measured various levels of digital transformation and digital workplace. We wanted to create something reusable for all clients, a robust and reusable tool with which they could easily establish a baseline for their current digital workplace maturity and develop guidance on where they need to go. The ability to use an organisation’s current framework to identify the areas in which they are already mature and those which require more attention makes it easier to implement change and track progress.
In our model, digital maturity is broken down into 5 stages ranging from level 1 to level 5. Level 5 is the highest level of digital maturity, where an organisation is constantly innovating and undergoing transformation, and level 1 is the most basic level of digital operations.
The ability to track progress towards key stages of digital maturation allows organisations to determine their current position and create a clear roadmap to progress towards their vision of a digital workplace. Having a model to analyse an organisations current digital maturity state will inform and give direction to key decision making.